Save User Response
When you enable the Expect User Response option in the Properties panel of a block, the response of users to that block will be stored. It means that the block will stop and wait to get the response from the user, then save it under the name of the block. Thus, you should name all blocks clearly and meaningfully to easily distinguish responses and search for hosted blocks.

User responses
User Responses are responses of users for each block. These values are stored under the name of the block. They will be reset when the user starts a new conversation (when the user presses the Get Started button).
Save User Response
When you enable the Expect User Response option in the Properties panel of a block, the response of users to that block will be stored. It means that the block will stop and wait to get the response from the user, then save it under the name of the block. Thus, you should name all blocks clearly and meaningfully to easily distinguish responses and search for hosted blocks.
In order to locate a block corresponding to the response captured on the Data panel, click the Go To Block button next to that response.