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How to add tags

Convoboss allows bot operators to use Tags to categorize and organize the Audience. You can add Tags to chat users manually in the Audience tab or automatically in Bot Builder, the instruction is as below

Tag manually

Go to Reports and Insights > Audience and open the user's detailed information. Click Add Tag and enter a new tag name or choose a tag in the dropdown list.

You can quickly add a tag or remove a tag of more than one user using Bulk Actions:

1. Click to select users you want to add/remove tag

2. Click Bulk Action and select Add tag/Remove Tag. Then, enter a tag name or choose one in the dropdown list.

Tag automatically

You can add a tag/untag automatically using Actions in Bot Builder

Drop the Tag/Untag action to the canvas. After that, choose a tag name in the Properties tab. Now, every time the conversation arrives at this point, the user will get tagged with the value you already set.

How to use tags

Tags can be used to direct chat users in Bot Builder, to filter them in Audience or to select people who will receive a broadcast:

Case 1: Use tags in condition to direct users in conversation (Bot Builder)

Click on the connector you want to set up conditions. On the Properties tab, click 
Add condition and match phrases to get a complete sentence.

Case 2: Filter audience by tags (in Audience)

All the tags will be listed in Quick Filter By Tag section in the left hand of the Audience screen. Bot admin can click on each tag to search for information on corresponding chat users. On the other hand, bot admin can set up a more complicated condition with tags in Filter by section.

Case 3: Filter particular users who will receive a Broadcast

Tags can be used to select the target audience of a broadcast. The conditions are set similarly to the condition anywhere else. If you haven't created a broadcast yet, create one in Engage > Broadcast > New Broadcast.

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Chatbot Help Portal | 2025