
Human Takeover
Let Operator Takeover Chatbot Conversation
Convoboss can help you automate responses to your customers as defined by your scripts but it can’t handle the exceptional cases that are out of scope. That’s why we came up with the human takeover feature so it can be switched to an operator to continue the conversation.
Human Takeover feature allows Convoboss to pass the control of conversations to operators in order to manage the conversation between your bot and your customers. Please keep in mind that once the Human Takeover block is reached, the customer will wait for interaction from the operator. The flow will stop and wait for the operator to take over the conversation personally.
There are two ways to enable Human Takeover:
- Add Human Takeover action in Convoboss Flow
- Enable Human Takeover from Convoboss Inbox manually
Alternatively, you can also enable Human Takeover in Inbox of Facebook page
Add Human Takeover action in Flow
You can allow customers to request to chat with the human operator using Human Takeover action, by following these steps:
1. Drag and drop Let Human Takeover action from the Library panel into the Flow Editor to create an action. Meanwhile, create a connector from another block to action Let Human Takeover

2. Configure Properties of the action
- Auto return to Bot after idling for: Define the amount of time that bot will take back the control of conversation after the customer requests Human takeover action. After that time, if customers continue to chat, the chatbot will be the one who responds. Please go to Session Expiry to understand how it works.
- Notify admin: Operator will receive a notification via emails when customers go through the Human Takeover block. Please remember to choose the "Yes" box to enable receiving notification.
- Emails: list of email addresses of the operators.
- Goodbye Message: The last message that bot will send to the customer before handing over the conversation to the operator.
- Back to Bot Quick Response Button: A quick reply button to let bot come back the conversation
- Back to Bot Message: The message that bot will greet the customer once the human operator hands over the conversation back to the bot when the customer clicks the Bot Quick Response Button

Note: Please check our Mini-course lesson 5 for example
Enable Human Takeover from Inbox
You can also enable Human Takeover in the Inbox feature. Inbox is the feature to manage all of the conversations between the bot and the customers in Messenger and Website. Moreover, you can identify and control Session Expiry for each customer’s conversation.
Please follow the instructions below to switch Human Takeover manually:
1. Go to Messages > Inbox > Select a conversation from the list
2. Enable Human Takeover on the right-hand column to take over the conversation from the bot. Add the timing of the Session expired by inputting the time as desired.
3. Continue the conversation with the customer.

Human Takeover timeout
In the Human Takeover feature, we provide you the timeout for Human Takeover which called Session Expiry. Therefore, when the time in the session which you have set up is expired, and the customer continues to chat, the bot will respond to the customer, not the operator. There are two kinds of Session Expiry in our system:
- Session Expiry for each Human Takeover action
- Default Session Expiry
Set up Human Takeover action
Session expiry for each Human Takeover action is the amount of time counted after the customer requests Human Takeover action until the operator starts to respond to the customer. If this session is expired and the operator has not responded to the customer yet, the bot will take back the control.
You can set up Session Expiry for each Human Takeover by clicking to a Let Human Takeover action in the Flow, then adjust the timing in Auto returns to Bot after idling.

If you choose not to set up the time for this session expiry, a bot can only take back the control of the conversation when the operator manually disables human action in Convoboss Inbox.
Set up Default Session Expiry
Default Session Expiry is the amount of time counted when the operator starts to respond to the customer until it is expired as configured.
You can set the default session expiry in the Settings > Behaviors > Human Takeover.

If you do not edit the time of this default session expiry, it will be set as default as 60 minutes
Human Takeover in Facebook page's Inbox
If you choose to manage conversations on the Facebook page, here is what you can do.
From Facebook page’s Inbox, there are 2 sections for Human Takeover action:
- Main: Show conversations that are under control by the operator.
- Done: Display conversations which are managed by the bot. Whenever customers request Human Takeover, the conversation will automatically move to the Main section and bot will be paused.

After you have set up Human Takeover in Facebook Inbox, When customers chat with the bot, all the conversations will be stored in the Done section. When the customer goes through Human Takeover action in bot flow, Human Takeover action will automatically move the conversations from the Done section to the Main section. The operator will receive a notification in the Facebook notification.
Set up Human Takeover in Facebook page’s Inbox
To use Facebook page’s Inbox, please follow these steps:
1. From Convoboss’s application, go to Bot Builder > Publishing Configuration > Messenger > Notifications > Enable Human Takeover Notification via Messenger Inbox
This step is required to move the conversations from the Done section to the Main section on the Inbox of the Facebook page. This is not to receive the notification through the inbox from the Convoboss system. If you don't enable Human Takeover Notification via Messenger Inbox, all the messages will only appear in the Main section.
2. From your Facebook page, Go to Settings
3. Select Advanced Messaging on the left sidebar > General Settings > App Settings > Click Configure button
4. Assign Primary Receiver and Secondary Receiver as below:
- Primary Receiver: Select Convoboss (It's required for this feature to work). Convoboss or in other words your bot will chat with users.
- Secondary Receiver: Select Page Inbox. Page Inbox is Inbox in your Facebook Page Management which will be able to get control from your chatbot.
We recommend setting the Convoboss App as the Primary Receiver. Typically, the Primary Receiver would be a bot that will automatically respond to all messages automatically, and the Secondary Receiver would route to chat with an operator or be a specialized app for handling certain request types.
After completing set up, the Operator will receive notifications in the Facebook Notifications on the right corner (the Bell icon) whenever customers type any responses after they have requested Human Takeover.
- After setting up your bot with Facebook Page Inbox, you can use it in combination with Convoboss Inbox. Convoboss Inbox will automatically work with Facebook Inbox after completing the above settings.
- If the time of Session expired in Convoboss inbox is running out, you can go to Facebook inbox to continue handling conversations.
Takeover the conversation from the bot on Facebook inbox
When the operator actively wants to take over the conversation with a customer from the bot, please follow these steps:
1. Click the drop-down menu that says Done.
2. Select the conversation.
3. Click on the Move to the Main button (or Move to Inbox in other interfaces) located near the top right corner. The bot will receive the signal and stop chatting with the user, as well as start counting Session Expiry.
4. Continue the conversation with the user in folder Main.

Handover the conversation to bot on Facebook inbox
When the operator wants to hand over the conversation of a customer back to the bot, please set up as follows:
1. Click the drop-down menu that says Main
2. Select the conversation that needs to be intervened.
3. Click Move to done button on the top right corner. The bot will receive the request and continue the conversation from the human operator.

Set up all the conversations in the Main section only
In case the operator wants all the conversations to be gathered in only one place, specifically, the Main section, please follow these steps:
1. Go to Settings of your Facebook page
2. Select Advanced Messaging on the left sidebar > General Settings > App Settings > Click Configure button
3. Assign Primary Receiver and Secondary Receiver as below:
- Primary Receiver: You can choose to keep Convoboss in Primary Receiver.
- Secondary Receiver: Please make sure to Unselect Page Inbox or another app in the secondary receiver.