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Publish Chatbot to WordPress

Before starting this section, you need to complete the setting for publishing the bot on your website. If you haven’t done it, please see the instructions in Publish Chatbot To Website first.


There are many ways to add javascript to WordPress. In this documentation, we recommend using the plugin Simple Custom CSS and JS

After setting the plugin, please follow these below steps to integrate BotStar Chatbot with WordPress

1. Go to Plugins > Search Simple Custom CSS and JS > Click Settings

2. Click Add HTML Code button.

3. Go back to your bot and copy the Generate HTML Code by going to Bot Builder > Publishing Configuration > EMBEDDED CODE

4. Paste that Code in the Plugin.

5. Click the Publish button on the right corner to save the process. Whitelisted Domains

Note: Alternatively, you can use the Add JS Code button in the settings of Simple Custom CSS and JS. You will just use the code between Generate HTML Code tags in the Embedded Code

Go back to your bot, click on Save & Publish and review the result.

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Chatbot Help Portal | 2025