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Facebook Ads

How to Integrate Your Chatbot from Facebook Ads

If you want to send people into a conversation with your chatbot through Facebook ads on Facebook or Instagram, here is how to do it:

(We assume that you know how to set up ads, in case you don't, please read this link: Ads that Click to Messenger)

First, in the Convoboss App, open the Trigger tab of the block you want to add to the ads. After that, copy "Click-to-Messenger Ads Payload" under External Trigger.

After that, back to the Facebook Ads site. While setting up the calls to actions for ad creation using the custom template, under Customer Actions
  • For Quick replies: click Connect Your Bot and paste the code copied from Convoboss App to Bot Payload. Then, click Finish to finish the configuration.

  • For Buttons: choose the action as Send a postback and paste the code copied from Convoboss App to Bot Payload. Then, click Finish to finish the configuration.

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Chatbot Help Portal | 2025