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Use CMS in the Bot Builder
Data stored in CMS can be inserted into both Blocks and Quick Responses in Bot Builder. CMS Items can be injected in Bot Builder to:
  • Load data dynamically into Block
  • Load data dynamically into Quick Reply

Load data into Block

CMS data can be inserted into most of all blocks that Convoboss supports. Here is the guideline for you:

1. Choose a block that you want to insert CMS data then open the setting site of this block.

2. In the Property Panel on the right-hand side, turn on the option Use CMS Data.

3. Filter the items to be displayed by tweaking the provided options:

  • Entity (Required): Choose an Entity from which you extract data to block.
  • Filters: Create conditions by which items (from selected Entity) are refined to be inserted into the block. Convoboss supports the combination of various conditions that helps you easily filter the appropriate items. If there is no condition, all items of an Entity will be used.
  • Query Limit: Show the number of items in an Entity found each time. This option can only be changed in a listing block (Horizontal List or Vertical List). Each listing block includes many items. Each item, after being extracted from an Entity, will be inserted respectively into each block's item. Other blocks are 1 as default so the Query Limit can not be changed.
  • Sort By: The order of items will be arranged regarding the field you select. The default field is Created Date (the date you create items).
  • Order By: Arrange items of an Entity in an Ascending (A - Z) or Descending (Z - A) order of the field you choose in Sort By. Items are set by default in ascending order.

4. Map elements of a block with fields of CMS entity after setting up CMS data for a block:
  • For text elements: Insert CMS data into text elements by using the Insert Variables button in the bottom left corner of the editing site.
  • For multimedia element: Insert CMS data into multimedia (audio, image, video) by selecting CMS in multimedia sources, then select the field you need.

Load data into Quick Reply

Select the block into which you want to insert CMS data to open the setting site and follow these steps below:

1. Choose CMS in Quick Reply to use CMS data

2. Click Quick Reply element showing up on the block

3. Set up options in the setting site to get appropriate items for inserting into Quick Reply

  • Entity, Filters, Sort By, Order By (Required) are similar with Load data into Block session instructed above
  • Max Number of Items: The number of reachable items in an Entity which is equivalent to the number of quick reply buttons is in the block. Up to maximally 11 first items will be shown. The default value of this option is 11.

4. Insert CMS variables into Quick Reply

Here is the result:

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