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Convoboss CMS
What is CMS

CMS (Content Management System) is one of the special features of Convoboss. With CMS, you can create and manage the digital content of your bot. Also, CMS allows users to browse products found in a chatbot. CMS by Convoboss contains Entity and Item:
  • Entity is a set of items that have the same attributes (fields).
  • Item is a data object that has attributes (fields) defined and grouped by Entity.

Why should you use CMS for chatbot

By using CMS, you can get some benefits:
  • Easily maintain and update the data without being impacted by the flow.
  • Supported by multiple languages
  • CMS Items can be filtered and linked together to search for information
  • Load CMS data into blocks in Flow Editor. If there is any change from the Entity of CMS. It helps you update the content of blocks automatically. You do not need to put data in each block manually. especially if listing blocks such as Horizontal List, Vertical List, items of an Entity will automatically be listed in these blocks.

Set up CMS

Applying CMS is about creating and managing Entity. Each Entity is defined by Fields. Each Item of an Entity contains information corresponding to those fields.

On the screen of CMS, you can:
  • Define CMS Entity
  • Create an Entity
  • Create CMS Items
  • Edit and Update content of Items in Entity

Define New Entity

1. Head up to the button New Entity in the upper right corner of the screen

2. Enter the Entity Name to manage your content system

3. Click Create to finish defining an Entity

Create an Entity

1. Update or add many Fields for each Entity by selecting the button configuration nearby the Entity name in the list of Entities.

2. Select tab Form Fields, you will see two default fields of Entity, which are Name and Status. You could not be able to edit or delete these two fields. 

Read more about these two default fields In order to add a new field, you need to fill insufficient information:
  • Field Name: define the name of an Entity (eg. Photo, Price, Description, etc)
  • Field Unique Name: the value of this data can not be duplicated with Field Unique Name of other fields
  • Type: there are 7 types of the field below
  • Text: This field is a text (including the newline character)
  • Text (multiple values): This field is a set of paragraphs.
  • Single Option: This field is a value that was defined before.
  • Multiple Options: This field is a set of values that was defined before.
  • Entities Reference: This field could link to another Entity's item. It shows the relationship between the current Entity and the referred Entity. Read more about Entity Reference Field
  • Photo: This field holds a value which is a photo URL from the Internet or a photo uploaded directly from your computer.
  • Date: Data in the form of date.

3. Click the button + in the same line of each field to finish creating an Entity. You can also delete any field by selecting the button-shaped Trash.

Create CMS Item

There are two default fields which are Name and Status in Form Fields of each Entity:
  • Name: define the name for items of an Entity.
  • Status: carry one of two values Enabled / Disabled
  • Enabled when an item is used normally be listed when it is used in other places.
  • Disabled when an item is deactivated and just be listed only in the CMS site. It will not be shown in other places.

After defining or updating an Entity, you can create items for the Entity by clicking on that Entity to open the item management site then follow these steps:

1. Select the New Item button on the upper right corner of the screen to create a new item.

2. Fill in all the needed information

3. Click Create button to complete.

Create an Item

Edit and Update CMS Item

Sometimes, you want to improve the data of Item in the Entity. To do so, you need to choose an item to be edited first. After that, a pop-up window will appear that will allow you to edit these items. You just update those items and save it.

For unilingual Bot

Update an item normally with the language you set up for your bot in the beginning. You can't switch between languages due to the fact that there is only one language chosen.

For multilingual Bot

In order to update an item using different languages, you can follow these steps below:

1. Click on an item to open the editing window

2. Click the button Change Editing Language in the right corner of the editing window in Item

3. Update the item data in other languages

Here is the result. Let's switch between languages to see the difference!

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Chatbot Help Portal | 2025